Freitag, 10. Februar 2012

League of Legends Champion suggestions - today: Veigar

Hi everyone,
wohooo, time for some League of Legends champions with my indispensable opinion.
Todays champion iiiiiiiiis:

Veigar, the tiny master of evil

Ok, Veigar is really tiny but dont undestimate him. He is a perfect counter mage for every tanky mage of the enemy team who succeeds with mass-stuns, great burst damage and the ability to increase his ability power to infinity.

But lets look at his skills first

passive skill - Equilibrium
for every missing 1% of his mana, Veigars mana regeneration increases for 0,75%

Q skill - baleful strike
Veigar fires a little, magic energy ball which damages the enemy. When Veigar kills a minion with baleful strike he gains permanent +1 ability power.

W skill - dark matter
Veigar marks a area with a little shadow on the ground. After a few seconds a dark energy ball falls from the sky and does massive damage on all enemys near the point of impact.

E skill - event horizont
Veigar marks an area where a magical fence comes up, stuning all enemys who touch it.

R skill (ultimate) - primordial burst
Veigar sends out a big ball of dark enegery which does huge magical damage + extra magical damage for an percental amount of the enemys ability power.

- can farm really well thanks to W skill
- Q skill at the right time gains extra ability power wich means more damage
- ultimate skill can kill an enemy caster with one strike
- E skill is great to land your W skill easier or to make a save retreat
- thanks to your passive skill, your mana problems are (with some help of some items) no problem for you

- dies easily because Veigar has not that much health
- when he cant farm, he cant gain extra ability power
- E skill only stuns enemys at the edge of the skill, not in the center
- thanks to your potencial damage output and your low health you will be one of the first targets in a teamfight

any last words? You can bet your life on that:
Veigar is really not easy to play and I see him rarely in any game. But his potential is really great when you use your stun combined with your W skill right to harras enemys. Your ultimate can one hit mages which makes you a really big problem for your enemys. Your mass stun is a feared skill in teamfights and the more you farm with your Q skill, the stronger you get.

Bye :D

Dienstag, 7. Februar 2012

The end is near.... just like every day

Hi everyone,
I'm amazed how incredibly well this picture describes my amount of work for this week. All I did was going to 2 meetings and installing a few updates on some computers. When this goes on like this..... Maybe, one day I can just stay at home and get paid without someone noticing it.
The perfect job, so to speak.
This is hopefully just a phase and will go over soon.
Not that you missunderstand me. I love doing nothing and get paid for it but at some point it just gets boring. I mean, I'm not standing up every morning just to try to stay awake at a workplace where I have nothing to do.
Programming skills are slowly improving. I don't need any of the pdf-files my teacher gave me, where all basic commands are written down (well, most of the time).
I also made a coin tossing program. Nothing special in the first place but I also made a coin tossing program where you will win always in a 2-out-of-3 contest. You want it? Here  take it.
Back to work.... oh wait.

Bye :D

Freitag, 3. Februar 2012

strucked by lightning

Hi everyone,
yay, friday. I thought it would never come and now it's here. But my weekend is fully planned and I have not that much free-time that I would like to have.
League of Legends released new bots you can fight and then there is this cool, new champion I want to try. I also bought an add-on for Borderlands that I wanted to buy since it came out which needs to be played through. Yeah, time flows by so fast.
Maybe you want to know whats up with that title I wrote. I had actually 2 reasons for that:

Reason 1:
I get a lot of electric shocks at work. Not the bad kind but I charge myself on the chair or that stupid carpet and then when I grab a doorknob or touch a pc case *BRITZL* I get an electric shock.
Whoever thought that a carpet is a great idea in a company where you have to deal with a lot of ESD vulnerable components was a real idiot.
(ESD vulnerable components = electric static discharge vulnerable components that get totally destroyed or even worse, just a little damaged when you discharge yourself over such components)
Want to know why it is bad if a component is only slightly damaged instead of completly destroyed?
When a part is destroyed another part doesnt function in a specific way so it is easier to find the broken part end replace it.
But when one part actually works but not the way it should, causes many different problems which could be caused by other parts but you dont know it for sure so you have to search way longer for the problem than normal.

Reason 2: