I cant get this melody out of my head
I just cant stop playing it over and over and over and over... again.
It is a long weekend for me because Monday is a national holiday in Germany :D
It's called "Tag der Deutschen Einheit". On that day, we celebrate the reunion of Germany after the cold war. Actually the real reunion was 1990 at the 9th of November (day of the fall of the wall which seperated east germany and west germany) but there where other events that happend before on the 9th of November (Hitler-Ludendorff-coup 09. November1923 where Hitler tried to take over the controll of Germany through a revolt & Reichspogromnacht 07.-13. November 1938 where Nazis killed around 400 Jews, destroyed hundres of buildings and graves and imprisoned around 30.000 Jews). So in the end, it was decided that the 3. October should be a national holiday of germany.
sorry guys for that popup-thing. I didnt even know i allowed that and thanks to my popup blocker i never noticed myself. I think it is disabled now. If not i need a serious hint how to remove those popups.
Okay that is a really good tune, and I doubt I'll be able to get it out of my head either. Enjoy the holiday! I was under the impression Germany tended to sort of phase out the whole Hitler thing. This does kind of make me sad. We shouldn't repress history, no matter how bad it was. The badder the better really, we're more likely to learn from that.
AntwortenLöschenNice song ..
AntwortenLöschenGet rid of those pop-ups btw
I love finding songs that I just want to repeat all day.
AntwortenLöschenNice music you like. :D
AntwortenLöschenGreat song! Sounds like a legit reason to move a holidays date! What do you do to celebrate Germany day?
AntwortenLöschensecond what mike said :)
AntwortenLöschenlol medieval melody as i hear it it sounds awesome
AntwortenLöschenok now i'm hooked up to -.-
AntwortenLöschenOf monstrous lust the due and just reward: Following!
AntwortenLöschenPretty sweet song o;
AntwortenLöschenI dont know how I would be able to get all that stuck in my head.
AntwortenLöschennice blog. following
AntwortenLöschennice song. unrelated but I've been playing Resident Evil 4 again lately and i just realized everytime i read your blog header where it says "Welcome Stranger" i read it in the merchants voice LOL
AntwortenLöschenHave a nice day and take care of the hangover tomorrow!